Háblalo Privacy Policy

We care about your data, read carefully!

Háblalo Terms and Conditions of Use

navigation, download and use of this application are subject to these obligatory and binding legal criteria, therefore, if any person does not agree or does not accept them, they must immediately cease using all the products and/or related services, and terminate navigation of any web, app or platform that is owned by astech s.a.s under the háblalo brand. Astech s.a.s. reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

1. Object

  1. Háblalo is a mobile application available on Android and iOS platforms, designed to assist people with disabilities that particularly affect their communication. This is a communication intermediation platform between physical and/or legal persons whose central objective is to allow people with disabilities to have better social integration and interaction, to try to provide the best conditions for them to effectively express their individual freedom and make their difficulties visible so that they are taken into account by the rest of society. The purpose of Háblalo’s services is solely to provide assistance and not to replace any medical or professional help of any kind.

Both the intellectual property of the Háblalo application and the Háblalo brand and the exploitation rights belong to Asteroid Technologies (ASTECH S.A.S. / CUIT: 30-71611876-9 / El Salvador 5218, Buenos Aires, Argentina), hereafter referred to as the company, the organization that manages and administrates its development, use, update, exploitation, and commercialization exclusively.
These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the rules to which the use of the Háblalo application (hereinafter, the APP) is subject, which can be downloaded from the domains: 
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appinventor.ai_mateo_nicolas_salvatto.Sordos&hl=es_AR&gl=US y https://apps.apple.com/ar/app/h%C3%A1blalo/id1386834397.

2. Acceptance and modification of these terms

Downloading and using the APP confers the status of user on the person who does so and implies acceptance of all conditions included in this document. The User should read these conditions each time they use the APP, as they may be modified subsequently.

3. Subjects involved in using the app

Háblalo is a digital tool that helps different actors in society to communicate effectively with each other.

On this chain, we can find, on the one hand, the physical person with a disability who wants to communicate with their environment through this application, as well as any physical person without a disability who wants to download it. Hereafter, we will call them “user”.

On the other hand, the company offers a corporate service of this application to physical and/or legal persons (companies, institutions, organizations, etc.), who want to use it as a tool for their own communication needs and will be called “Corporate User”.

4. User Obligations

4.1 USER
The user agrees not to alter or modify any part of the APP or its contents, to evade, deactivate, or manipulate in any other way the security functions or other functions of the program, or to use the APP or its contents for commercial or advertising purposes. The use of the APP with the purpose of damaging the company’s or third parties’ assets, rights or interests is prohibited. It is also prohibited to carry out any other use that alters, damages or renders useless the company’s or third parties’ networks, servers, computers, products, and computer programs.
The user acknowledges that the APP and its contents (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, links, content, graphic design, source code, etc.), as well as the trademarks and other distinctive signs, are the property of the company or of the specified third parties, and the user does not acquire any rights over them by simply using the APP.
The user agrees to make proper use of the APP, in accordance with the law, these Terms and Conditions of Use, and any other regulations and instructions that may apply. The User will be liable to the company and to third parties for any damages or losses that may be caused by non-compliance with these obligations.
The user must refrain from:

a) Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the APP or its contents, except in cases provided for by law or expressly authorized by the company or by the owner of such rights.

b) Reproducing or copying the APP or its contents for private use, as well as communicating them publicly or making them available to third parties when this entails reproduction.

c) Extracting or reusing all or a substantial part of the contents of the APP.

Under no terms may the user make any legal claim against an organization that provides services using the APP if the communication is failed or unsatisfactory. In turn, the user abstains from taking legal action against the company in such a case. The user can report the misuse of the APP by third parties through the email address contact@asteroidtechs.com

Disclaimer: There are individuals or entities that may use the APP to provide customer service, even without being authorized collaborators of the company. Also, users who use the APP to communicate within unaffiliated establishments. In both cases, the company is not responsible for the misuse and/or implementation of the APP as a customer service tool within these establishments.

Subject to the conditions set out in the above paragraphs, the company grants the user through the relevant channels a non-exclusive, free, personal and indefinite use license for the APP. This license is also granted on the same terms with respect to updates and improvements made to the application. Such use licenses may be revoked by the company unilaterally at any time by mere notification to the User.

The APP is a communication tool designed to assist people with disabilities in their daily lives or to provide personalized attention to them. In no way can the APP be considered a medical instrument. The company is not responsible for any damages that a third party may cause to the User by using the APP.

The APP is not an official or regulated channel for communicating with emergency or medical assistance services of any kind. The company is not responsible for a possible communication failure between the user and the aforementioned actors that may cause harm to the user or third parties.

The company may, without this constituting any obligation to the User, modify these terms of use without prior notice and as it deems relevant. If the User continues to use the application after any modification to these terms of use has been made, such continued use will constitute acceptance of such modifications by the User. If the User does not accept these terms of use or is not subject to them, they should not use the application or download or use any related software.

The use of the application is under their sole responsibility. The company is released from any responsibility for the elimination or inability to store or transmit any content or other information maintained or transmitted by the application. The company is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information or advice transmitted through the application. The company may, at any time, limit or interrupt its use at its sole and exclusive discretion. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the company will not be responsible for any losses or damages related.

5. Legislation

These Terms and Conditions of Use are fully governed by the legislation of the Republic of Argentina. For the resolution of any conflict relating to its interpretation or application, the User expressly submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of said country. These terms and conditions are published by Astech S.A.S. within its Háblalo software related to update 3.2.0 of the same. Coming into effect as of May 13, 2020. Last update: 05/13/2020

Háblalo Privacy Policy

This document indicates how astech s.a.s. will use and protect your personal data while browsing your Háblalo app. By registering in it you automatically accept the rules of use, protection and security established here. if you. If you do not consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your information in the manner described in this policy, please do not use this application or other related products.

1. Security of personal data

Your personal information will be stored in the databases of ASTECH S.A.S. or in the databases maintained by our service providers.
ASTECH S.A.S. maintains reasonable precautionary measures to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of your personal information.
Although we use security measures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized disclosure, misuse, or alteration, please be aware that no transmission over the Internet is completely secure or error-free. ASTECH S.A.S. will not be responsible for security breaches by third parties that are beyond our reasonable control

2. Purpose

The data required and/or requested from users will be, in each case, used for the sole and exclusive purpose for which they were collected. The information regarding the purpose for which they are obtained will be given in each case, when the owner provides their personal data, or may be obtained from the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of Háblalo.

3. Limits on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information

To the extent required by current laws, provided that ASTECH S.A.S. collect personal information in one of its databases:
  •  We provide you with timely and correct notice of Háblalo’s data practices;
  • It will collect, use, disclose and transfer your personal information only with your consent, which may be explicit or implicit, depending on the sensitivity of the personal information, legal requirements and other factors;
  • It will collect your personal information only for specific and limited purposes. The information we collect will be relevant, adequate and not excessive;
  • Process your personal information in a manner consistent with the requirements for which it was originally collected or subsequently granted by your consent;
  • Reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that personal information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete and, where necessary, it is kept updated;
  • It will take specific steps, through contracts or otherwise, to provide adequate protection for personal information that is disclosed to a third party or is transferred to another of the “intervening subjects”.

4. Applicable law and jurisdiction

In relation to this Privacy Policy, the provisions of Law 25326 on the Protection of Personal Data and its complementary regulations govern. The Application Authority is the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data, dependent on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation. In the event of any controversy regarding the interpretation or fulfillment of the present, it will be resolved by the Courts in the Federal Administrative Litigation based in the Federal Capital.

5. Links to Third Party Internet Sites

On the website, app, or platform owned by ASTECH S.A.S. You will be able to find links that lead you to external sites for which there is no responsibility on the part of ASTECH S.A.S. Said websites are managed and administered by other people, for which reason the actions of ASTECH S.A.S. it is simply limited to informing all users of the web, app or platform about the responsibility that users have when browsing said platforms.

3. Changes to this policy and our privacy statements

Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this site. ASTECH S.A.S. reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy of the website, app or platform owned by Háblalo at any time and without prior notice. Changes will apply only to personal information we collect after this posting. THIS PRIVACY POLICY IS PUBLISHED BY ASTECH S.A.S. WITHIN YOUR SOFTWARE TALK ABOUT IT RELATED TO UPDATE 3.2.0 OF THE SAME. ENTRY INTO FORCE AS OF MAY 13, 2020. LAST UPDATE: 05/13/2020