Find out how it works
Text to speech translator
So you can talk to whoever you want.
Speech to text translator
So that your phone listens for you.
Useful tools
Designed to serve you in any daily situation
You do not need internet to use the application
And much more!
Don't miss out on everything we're working on
Hablalo attends more than
people with disabilities around the world
We were validated and awarded by

Háblalo for Business
Háblalo exists thanks to these organizations
Thanks to those who trust our team every day, we are promoting the #InclusionRevolution in different companies

Meet the team behind Hablalo
We are Asteroid, an Argentine start-up that develops technology for social good and aims to create a more inclusive and technologically literate world. Our first development, Hablalo, already assists hundreds of thousands around the world… And this is just the beginning!
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supporting Háblalo
Thanks to the people who contribute to the project, we can impact the lives of thousands of people throughout the entire planet.